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What's New in Wijmo 2020 v2

Check out the newest features and updates from Wijmo's second major release of 2020.

Wijmo Build 5.20202.732 - October 1, 2020

Wijmo Supports Vue 3

Wijmo has added support for the Vue 3 official release (version 3.0.0). Our wijmo.vue2.* modules have been upgraded to support Vue 3, so you can continue using the same Vue interop library from Wijmo.

Read more about how Wijmo supports Vue 3 in our blog from the Wijmo engineering team!

Wijmo Supports React 17

Wijmo also supports React version 17. We have updated our wijmo.react.* modules to support the latest version of React, so you can update your Wijmo packages and upgrade to React 17 now!

FlexGrid Editing Improvements

We added a showPlaceholders property to display the column header as a placeholder when editing cells. The showPlaceholders property is especially useful in the MultiRow grid and on grids that allow adding new items.

We also added a KeyAction.CycleEditable setting that causes the grid to move the selection to the next editable column then wraps to the next row—the KeyAction.Cycle Edit setting makes the grid faster to use for users only focused on editing.

More Enhancements

  • [Globalize] Made the parseFloat method stricter. Before, Globalize.parseFloat would parse strings such as "1 1", "1 + 1", or "foo 1 bar 1" as 11 (remove non-digits, then parse). Now it follows stricter rules and parses strings such as those as NaN (not a number).
  • [AutoComplete] Added a beginsWithSearch property to customize the matching behavior. Setting this property to true causes the control to match items that begin with the search term (the default behavior matches items that "contain" the search terms).
  • [Calendar] Added 'weeksBefore' and 'weeksAfter' properties to show additional weeks before and after the current month.
  • [Calendar] Adjusted some CSS rules to make the padding used in calendar items compatible with the padding used in other items (FlexGrid, ListBox, etc.).
  • [UndoStack] Added support for paginated data sources.
  • [FlexChart] Added new Legend.maxSize property that allows you to specify maximum legend size in pixels (maxSize='50px') or percentages (maxSize='20%').

Breaking Changes

  • [Calendar] Clicking a day that belongs to the month before or after the current month causes the calendar to switch months automatically now, as it was in version 5.20202.699.
  • [Globalize] Made the parseDate method honor the time parts of the refDate parameter and the date parts. For example, parseDate('10/10', 'M/yy,' refDate) will return a date where the month/day is parsed from the input string, but the year and time parts are copied from refDate.

Check out the Wijmo Build 5.20202.732 Release




Wijmo 2020 v2 - July 22, 2020

Angular 10 Support

Angular 10 has just released, and Wijmo already supports it! As always, we are committed to supporting the Angular project and its community.

As of 2020 v2, we are shipping ESModules. Previously, we had to disable ESM for compatibility with Angular 7 and 8 and an issue in the Ivy compiler. Now, we have enabled ESM and Wijmo will work seamlessly with the compiler.

Vue 3 Support

Vue 3 is currently in beta. We are also releasing a beta version of Vue 3 support. Wijmo's Vue 2 package is compatible with Vue 3. We will continue to test against Vue 3 as it nears official release.

OpenFin Platform API Demo App

Wijmo Stock Portfolio is a financial sample that demonstrates the usage of Wijmo Components in an OpenFin application. The previous version of this app loaded multiple OpenFin applications in separate windows, allowing the user to organize the desired workspace.

OpenFin's new Platform API provides the ability to organize windows & views into logical workspaces out-of-the-box. The new Stock Portfolio App uses OpenFin Platform API and Wijmo Components.

Barcode Control for JavaScript, Angular, React, Vue

We have added new barcode components for creating 26 types of barcodes from QR Codes to UPC barcodes. Wijmo barcodes are rendered completely in JavaScript and require no server-side dependency.


Custom Editors in FlexGrid

Now you can specify custom editor controls using a single "editor" property on the Column class. The editor property simply needs to have an instance of a Wijmo input passed to it. You can use any Wijmo input that you want, including Date Picker, Numeric Textbox, AutoComplete, Color Picker, and more!

Take a look at the default editor (a simple textbox):


Compared to a custom editor using InputDate:


PDF Security

This new module gives you the ability to password protect PDF files. This includes the ability to specify a separate user password and owner password.

You can also define permissions for the PDF document including:

  • Annotating
  • ContentAccessibility
  • Copying
  • DocumentAssembly
  • FillingForms
  • Modifying
  • Printing

New TransposedMultiRow Component

The MultiRow aspect allows you to defined multi-row layouts for a single record in a grid. Traditionally, there is a single visual row, but MultiRow breaks that paradigm. The transpose aspect is to repeat the records horizontally instead of vertically like in a traditional grid.

Here is an example of a MultiRow:

Wijmo Multirow Component

And our new TransposedMultiRow using the same data:

Wijmo Transposed Multirow

Note that the records scroll horizontally instead of vertically.

Check out the Wijmo 2020 v2 Release

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