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Wijmo is a complete set of JavaScript UI components for enterprise development. It includes a powerful data grid, charts, pivot tools, inputs, and much more and is available in your favorite framework, including Angular, React, and Vue.

Wijmo Enterprise

A complete collection of extensible, fast JavaScript UI components written in TypeScript. Wijmo Enterprise includes full-featured components for JavaScript, Angular, React and Vue. Platinum Technical Support is also included at no additional cost.


Perpetual license with a one-year subscription

Included Controls

MultiRow Data Grid
Report Viewer
Transposed Grid

MESCIUS’ award winning 24 hour fast-track response Platinum Support package included at no additional cost.

A Wijmo Developer License includes a 1-year subscription for Wijmo. Over the course of this 1 year subscription, you're entitled to Wijmo's 2 major releases that come out during that 1 year period, as well as the 2 hotfix releases that come in between Wijmo's major releases.

Wijmo Developer Licenses are also perpetual; any releases that you are entitled to will continue to work if your license expires. You will also continue to be able to generate distribution keys for those versions which you are entitled to.

To license Wijmo in your application, you need to create a Distribution Key to add to your application. For instructions, please refer to our licensing documentation for licensing guidance.

A Distribution Key is used to license an application using the Wijmo JavaScript components. A Distribution Key must be generated before it can be added to the application. To generate a Distribution Key, you must have a Wijmo Developer License and it must be registered to your account. Distribution Keys are generated according to one or more specified hostnames or domains. A domain can have several hostnames. For more information about licensing your applications to use Wijmo, check out our licensing page.

Wijmo supports 3 different types of Distribution Keys: standard, single domain wildcard, and unlimited domain wildcard. Wijmo Enterprise Developer Licenses include standard Distribution Key generation by default. Single domain wildcard and unlimited domain wildcard distribution keys are an additional purchase, separate from Wijmo Enterprise Developer licenses. If you would like more information on single or unlimited domain wildcard Distribution Keys, contact sales at

Special Discount for this region

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