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What's New in Wijmo 2021 v3

Check out the newest features and updates from Wijmo's third major release of 2021.

Wijmo 2021 v3 - November 10, 2021

Create Accessible PDFs in JavaScript, Angular, React, and Vue

A PDF module used to generate custom PDF files at runtime in JavaScript with full accessibility support.

Accessible PDF Export from FlexGrid

Improved PDF export from FlexGrid to provide accessibility support. Produce tagged PDFs while exporting FlexGrid.

Save Blobs to Files in JavaScript

Improved the saveFile method to make it easier to save blobs to files in JavaScript.

Improved PivotEngine dataType Parsing

PivotEngine now scans all records in each field to determine dataType. It scans all records until it reaches the first non-null value to determine the dataType for each field.

PivotGrid Performance Improvements

PivotGrid now utilizes the dataType of fields in PivotEngine and no longer does type detection itself.

Dynamic Tab Ordering in All Controls

Modern applications have dynamic pages/views that constantly change with user interaction to change the tabIndex (tab ordering) on all Wijmo controls at runtime.

Pricing and Packaging Changes

Wijmo Enterprise: New license: $699 | Renewal: $499

Includes all of Wijmo's components and Platinum Support, perpetual and royalty-free distribution.

This new packaging and pricing will give developers an incredible toolset for an accessible price. You won't find a better product for a better price in the market. We are excited to make Wijmo available to more developers worldwide.

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