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What's New in Wijmo 2019 v2

Check out the newest features and updates from Wijmo's second major release of 2019.

Wijmo 2019 v2 Build 5.20192.631 - September 19, 2019

Build 5.20192.631 has landed. This release includes a several bug fixes and a new StepLine Chart type.

StepLine Charts are most commonly used to visualize change at specific points in time. They are useful for seeing the size of the change in value as well as patterns in change over time.

Wijmo Stepline Chart 1

Wijmo Stepline Chart 2

Wijmo Stepline Chart 3

Read the full Build 5.20192.631 release




Wijmo 2019 v2 - July 23, 2019

Wijmo's second release of 2019 has landed with several new enhancements, including increased support and functionality for React and Vue Interop.

React Improvements

React has exploded in popularity and we have been working to make our React support even deeper. This release features a few nice ways to define custom templates, including bindings in markup to all controls that have Items.

We added MenuItem and MenuSeparator components

Wijmo React Improvements

We also added a new wjItemTemplate 'render prop' to various controls.

Up next is rich cell template support in our React FlexGrid interop.

Vue Improvements

Similar to React, we made some nice improvements in our Vue interop. We added wj-menu-item and wj-menu-separator components to our Vue menu component.

More Gauge Customization

We added a Gauge.showTickText property to show text labels next to each tickmark

Wijmo More Gauge Customization

We also added support for needle-based pointers with the new RadialGauge properties and methods:

  • needleShape
  • needleLength
  • needleElement
  • createNeedleElement

Template Literal Function

We added a new i18n template literal function to Wijmo. It allows you to build multiline strings with interpolated values, and makes it easy to handle single and double quotes embedded in your strings.

Undo Redo in Applications

We made a nice Undo/Redo class for managing history of actions at the application level. Of course, you can use it just with FlexGrid if you prefer. But we recommend trying it out for your entire app!

Paging for Data

We added a New CollectionViewNavigator control for navigating through CollectionView items or pages. This is a really common UI. It can easily be used with any of our controls like FlexGrid to offer simple paging through data.

Wijmo Paging for Data

FlexGrid MultiRange Selection

We added a new SelectionMode called MultiRange to support this behavior. This allows users to hold down ctrl (or command) + select multiple ranges of cells in FlexGrid. You can use the new we added a new selectedRanges property, which gets an array containing CellRange objects that contain the currently selected ranges.

Wijmo FlexGrid MultiRange Selection

FlexGrid Performance Tuning APIs

We added some new APIs for when you want to tune performance for more rare scenarios.

  • new FlexGrid.refreshRange method
  • FlexGrid.lazyRender property
  • FlexGrid.refreshOnEdit property

More Cultures Added to Wijmo Globalization

This release features support for:

  • Mongolian
  • Vietnamese
  • Swiss German

Of course there are many little things we fixed or enhanced in the release like Resizable Popup or deep-binding in wijmo.format. Check the change log for the full list!

Change Log

  • Added a FlexGrid.autoRowHeights property to automatically resize row heights when cells are loaded, edited, and when the grid layout changes.
  • Added FlexGrid.lazyRender and refreshOnEdit properties for more performance control.
  • Added a new FlexGrid selection mode: SelectionMode.MultiRange and a FlexGrid.selectedRanges property that provides access to the extended selection.
  • Added CollectionViewNavigator control for navigating through CollectionView items or pages.
  • Added "glbz" tag function to support formatting in template literals.
  • Added support for deep-binding in wijmo.format method.
  • Added a Popup.isResizable property to create resizable dialogs.
  • Added a Gauge.showTickText property to show text labels next to each tickmark.
  • Added support for needle-based pointers with the new RadialGauge properties and methods: needleShape, needleLength, needleElement, createNeedleElement.
  • [React] Added MenuItem and MenuSeparator components, which allows you to define Menu component items declaratively. All the relevant samples have been updated to define menus declaratively. The new 'Input\Menu\Dynamic Items' sample has been added.
  • [React] Added wjItemTemplate 'render prop' to the ListBox, ComboBox, MultiSelect and Menu components. The property allows you to specify a render function used to draw custom items content. The property usage is demonstrated in the following samples:
    • Input\ListBox\Customization
    • Input\ComboBox\HTMLContent
    • Input\ComboBox\Multi-column
    • Input\MultiSelect\Customization
    • Input\Menu\Dynamic Items
  • [Vue] Added wj-menu-item and wj-menu-separator components, which allows you to define wj-menu component items declaratively. All the relevant samples have been updated to define menus declaratively. The new 'Input\Menu\Dynamic Items' sample has been added.
  • Added Swiss-German culture file: With the recent addition of Vietnamese and Mongolian cultures ( and this brings the total number of cultures supported to 50.
  • Added FlexSheet.allowAutoFill property. (TFS 377969)
  • [FlexChart] Added Legend.orientation property. (TFS 379230)

Check out the Wijmo 2019v2 release

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