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What's New in Wijmo 2019 v1

Check out the newest features and updates from Wijmo's first major release of 2019.

Wijmo 2019 v1 Build 5.20191.615 - June 4, 2019

Build 5.20191.615 has released. It includes Angular 8 support, several new enhancements and bug fixes. It also includes a fix for AOT compiling in Angular.

Change Log

  • Added support for deep-binding in wijmo.format method.
  • Added FlexChart.itemsSourceChanging/Changed events.
  • Added FlexGrid.refreshRange method for finer control on rendering.

Check out the Wijmo 615 Build Release




Wijmo 2019 v1 Build 5.20191.612 - June 4, 2019

Build 5.20191.612 has released. It includes Angular 8 support, some nice new enhancements and several bug fixes. It also includes a fix for AOT compiling in Angular.

Angular 8 Support

Angular 8 has released and Wijmo has full support for it. You can use Wijmo components to build Angular 8 applications today.

To get our Angular components use:

npm install @grapecity/wijmo.angular2.all

One thing we ran into is needing to update all of our ViewChild() decorators in many of our sample applications. You will likely run into this if you are upgrading to Angular 8 from an earlier verison.

Change Log

  • Added support for deep-binding in wijmo.format method.
  • Added FlexChart.itemsSourceChanging/Changed events.
  • Added FlexGrid.refreshRange method for finer control on rendering.

Check out the Wijmo Build 612 Release




Wijmo 2019 v1 - April 18, 2019

Wijmo’s first major release of 2019 has landed, and it includes brand new developer resources, nice customer-requested features, improved components using a new browser API, and more.

Explore Controls & Features in Every Framework

We have consolidated all of our (500) samples into one place. And each sample is available in the following frameworks:

  • Pure JavaScript, using ES6 modules (no framework)
  • Angular (v2+)
  • Vue (v2+)
  • React

We wanted to make it easy to find any feature you need, try it in the browser, view the source code for your favorite framework, and make live edits to the code. We hope this makes your life easier as a developer. Please feel free to suggest a feature and we can add it to our collection.

New Demo Explorer Video:

New Documentation Guides

We want using Wijmo to be as easy as possible. To support this, we wrote over 200 new documentation guides that will help walk you through using our controls and implementing features. Our documentation site also includes a full text search for helping you quickly find what you need help with.


New API Reference

We have also rebuilt our API Reference. The output is not much different than before, but we designed it to be consistent with our other new developer resources (samples and doc guides). Take a look and let us know what you think of the new API Reference.

FlexGrid Tooltips

We added a FlexGrid.errorTip property that allows you to specify a Tooltip to use when showing validation errors. You can use this property to customize the tooltip, or set it to null to restore the original behavior (use the cell's "title" attribute to show validation errors).

Wijmo FlexGrid Tooltips

FlexGrid Excel-like Selection

We added an option to FlexGrid called anchorCursor, which changes the range selection to look more like Excel. By default, FlexGrid keeps the cell where the cursor is highlighted, whereas, Excel keeps the first cell selected (the anchor) as highlighted. We like our default because it gives a visual indicator of where your cursor is in the grid. It's also ideal when using keyboard navigation since you otherwise have no other indicator. But Excel is very familiar to users, so we wanted to provide the option to look just like it.

Wijmo FlexGrid Excel-like Selection

Simpler CSS Styling in FlexGrid

We refactored and simplified the grid CSS rules so customizing cell backgrounds is now simpler and easier. After refactoring, you can now write a single class and style the cell background and text more easily.

For example:

<pre>.blue {  
             background: #0000cc;  
             color: white;  

Wijmo Simpler CSS Styling in FlexGrid

Note that in order to make wj-cell class weaker and easier to style, we had to make a few other classes stronger like: wj-header and wj-alt. You might need to adjust your CSS to use combined class selectors like .wj-cell.wj-header { }

FlexGrid Performance

We improved the FlexGrid scrolling performance even further by extending the cell reordering logic to work when scrolling horizontally and on grids with frozen cells. This is a small change, but it has big impacts, especially on older browsers where DOM operations are expensive. Of course, it makes FlexGrid faster in modern browsers too!

OLAP Outline Mode

We added a new PivotGrid.outlineMode property in OLAP. In outline mode, the PivotGrid renders row fields in an outline format that is more compact and reduces the amount of white space shown on the screen. Outline mode is recommended for views with a large number of row fields. It's similar to what Excel offers in it's PivotTables.

Wijmo OLAP Outline Mode

FlexChart Custom Series

FlexChart has a new Series.tooltipContent property that allows you to customize tooltips for specific series. It also has a new Series.itemFormatter property that allows you to customize the appearance of data points in a specific series. Prior to this release, the tooltips and itemFormatter were control-wide so they typically applied to all series in the chart. These new improvements add more flexibility and customization options to charts with multiple series.

Wijmo FlexChart Custom Series

FlexChart Range Area Chart

This release includes several new features for FlexChart and FlexPie. We have added support for range area charts to FlexChart. This is similar to the range bar and column charts that plot a range of two values for each data point. This new chart type is enabled by setting the chart type as 'Area' and then setting the min and max values in the series binding. 

Wijmo FlexChart Range Area Chart

Multiple Pie Charts with FlexPie

You can now use FlexPie to visualize more of your data in a single chart by creating multiple pie chart "series" using the same data source. To create multiple pie chart series, specify several comma-separated properties in FlexPie.binding.

Wijmo Multiple Pie Charts with FlexPie

NPM Package Changes

Wijmo npm packages have been moved to the @grapecity scope. This brings obvious benefits like multiple module formats, and drastically simplifies Wijmo usage for companies that host Wijmo on their own npm servers.

Now every module is represented as a separate package in the @grapecity scope, like @grapecity/wijmo.input or @grapecity/wijmo.grid.

Better Components with ResizeObserver

In this release, we utilize a new browser API called ResizedObserver to improve layout rendering in all of our controls. This API allows us to know when our control element is resized or changes visibility. We can use these events to make sure our control layouts adapt to their container and optimize their layout.

Change Log

  • [Build 606] This is identical to (the previously released) build 603, other than a fix to our angular module structure to solve a problem in the AOT compiler.
  • [FlexGrid] Added a FlexGrid.errorTip property that allows you to specify a Tooltip to use when showing validation errors. Use this property to customize the tooltip, or set it to null to restore the original behavior (use the cell's "title" attribute to show validation errors)
  • [FlexGrid] Added an extra parameter to the FlexGrid.getClipString method so it can export row headers (in addition to column headers). This new feature is important for exporting the content of PivotGrid controls for example.
  • [FlexGrid] Added a FlexGrid.alternatingRowStep property that allows you to specify the number of regular rows that should appear between alternating rows (the default is one; set this property to zero to disable alternating rows or set it to a value greater than one to show multiple regular rows between alternate rows). Note: The alternatingRowStep property replaces/extends the showAlternatingRows property which has been deprecated.
  • [GroupPanel] Added a GroupPanel.showDragGlyphs property that causes the control to show drag handle glyphs in the group marker elements.
  • [PivotGrid] Added a PivotGrid.outlineMode property that causes the PivotGrid to show row groups in outline format, allowing for more compact displays.
  • [PivotGrid] Improved keyboard support in the PivotGrid to allow expanding and collapsing row groups with the keyboard (use alt-Left to collapse, alt-Right to expand).
  • [PivotGrid] Changed the olap.PivotGrid to honor the allowMerging property. Also changed the default setting of the property to 'AllHeaders'.
  • [PivotGrid] Added a PivotGrid.showValueFieldHeaders property that causes the grid to show headers for value fields even in views that have a single value field.
  • [MultiRow] Added support for the MultiRow.newRowAtTop property (in previous versions the new row template was always displayed at the bottom of the MultiRow.
  • [MultiRow] Added support for explicitly setting the rowspan in MultiRow cells.
  • [FlexChart] Added a Series.tooltipContent property that allows you to add tooltips for specific series.
  • [FlexChart] Added a Series.itemFormatter property that allows to specify an item formatter function for specific series.
  • [FlexChart] Added support for ranged Area charts: this is similar to the support for ranged Bar and Column charts: specify the name of the properties that contain the min and max values in the series binding, e.g. myAreaSeries.binding = "ymin,ymax".
  • [TreeView] Added a TreeView.expandOnLoad property that determines whether the TreeView should automatically expand the first node when it loads (default behavior) or if all nodes should be initially collapsed.
  • [TreeView] Added a TreeView.checkOnClick property that allows users to check nodes by clicking anywhere on the node header (as opposed to clicking on the checkbox itself).
  • [TreeView] Added a TreeView.checkedMemberPath property that allows you to bind the checkboxes in the TreeView to data members.
  • [Menu] Added a Menu.closeOnLeave property to work with Menu.openOnHover and provide more control over when menus open and close.
  • [PrintDocument] Added an optional callback to the PrintDocument.print method gets invoked when the document is done printing
  • Added combobox.trimText property
  • Improved the FlexGrid mouse handling logic to prevent sorting columns when clicking column headers that are merged horizontally (because in this case the header refers to multiple columns).
  • Changed the FlexGrid's CSS to use weaker rules for cell styles so they are easier to override.
  • Improved FlexGrid rendering performance by reordering cells when scrolling horizontally.
  • Improved the FlexGridFilter's date/time condition filtering logic.
  • Improved the FlexGridFilter's condition editor by disabling the value editors when no condition is set. You can also hide the value editors using this CSS rule:
 .wj-conditionfilter-editor .wj-control.wj-state-disabled {  
                display: none;  

Read the full 2019 v1 release

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