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Wijmo Licensing

Wijmo is Licensed Per Developer

A developer license is needed for every developer using Wijmo. In some cases, a special distribution license may be required. See below for more details. The terms of our license can be read in the EULA.

To use Wijmo in production, follow these simple steps:


  1. Purchase a copy of Wijmo
  2. Register your serial key on our website. Unregistered serial keys will not display in your license list.
  3. Create a distribution key using our website.
  4. Apply the distribution key to your application using Wijmo's setLicenseKey method.

    Example: wijmo.setLicenseKey(key);


Check out this video on how to license Wijmo! >>>

Wijmo Licensing Options

Standard Per-Developer License

Each developer using the product needs to own a copy.

Commercial SaaS License

If you are using Wijmo in a Commercial SaaS application, you will need a Commercial SaaS Distribution License. Commercial SaaS is defined as an application(s) that will be used for external use where the end-user or company(s) will be charged to access the service(s).

Contact us to learn more

Distribution Licenses

With every developer license, you will receive perpetual distribution licenses, which entitle you to generate distribution keys to use in the script code. Wijmo license holders can generate distribution keys for as many hostnames (domains) as they require.

While the licenses never expire, keys are limited to upgrading versions for up to one year after purchase. After a year, you will need to buy a new version and create a new key.

OEM License

We work with you to create a custom quote to meet your needs. If you're repackaging Wijmo or allowing your end-users to build applications using Wijmo, you will need an OEM license.

  • OEM license terms vary based on your exact usage. Since customer needs vary widely in this space, each agreement is highly customized.
  • To ship our software with new language bindings or slightly customized UI widgets, we offer terms that are similar to traditional reseller agreements.
  • To embed and extend Wijmo software in visual application builders, terms are generally fixed-fee and royalty-based.

Contact us to learn more

Customized Packages

We also offer tailored packages that provide benefits beyond developer licenses. These packages are ideal for companies that want to fully leverage our products and services.  Custom package terms vary based on your exact usage. Since customer needs vary widely in this space, each agreement is highly customized.

Contact us to learn more

A distribution key is a character string that authorizes an application to use Wijmo. You can generate a distribution key using your account on our website. To make a distribution key, simply add the hostnames to authorize and generate the key. You'll then apply the key to your application, as listed above.

You can add as many individual hostnames to a distribution key as you need.

Note: You can’t add a catch-all hostname like * For that, you'll either need an unlimited hostname license or an OEM/SaaS agreementContact sales for further details.

You can deploy as many applications as you wish with the standard per-developer license.

All Wijmo distribution licenses are perpetual.

Licensing code uses a browser's window.location.hostname variable to check for a license match. If you're accessing your intranet application by IP address, that is what you will use. For example, if your URL looks like, then your hostname should be

This changes if you're accessing your intranet application by machine name. If your URL looks like https://appserver03/apps/employees/, then your hostname should be appserver03.

Application shells, such as Electron or Ionic, often do not have hostnames, or their hostname is localhost. To create a distribution license for these types of applications, use localhost as the hostname. If they already have a hostname, use it.

No, the license validation in Wijmo does NOT call back to our server and does not require any internet connection. The mechanism just validates the key and domain to make sure they match and are valid.

Special Discount for this region

We had a special discount for customers who is from this specific region, and please contact our sales for detailed information.