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Outlook-Style Scheduler Control for WPF

Easily integrate Microsoft Office-style scheduling into your applications with ComponentOne Scheduler for WPF.

  • Build intuitive, polished-looking scheduling applications in less time
  • Deliver several different appointment views using one WPF control
  • Built-in data model supports everything you need including labels, recurring appointments, reminders, resources and more
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Why Choose Scheduler for WPF?

Code-Free Development

Build a .NET scheduling application completely code-free at design-time. Just connect to your appointment data storage and it's complete.

Mimic Outlook In Your Applications

Provide an experience similar to the Microsoft Office Calendar. The WPF Scheduler is a complete out-of-the-box solution with several built-in views and a rich appointment data model.

Intuitive Appointment Management

Users can quickly manage appointments (or events) with inline editing and drag/drop support. Full details can be edited in the pop-up dialog.

Five Calendar Views in One

Scheduler supports several different ways to view appointments, allowing you to toggle between them easily. View schedules in day, week, work week, month, or timeline view.

Complete Customization

Scheduler allows for complete customization of the built-in dialog boxes, and styles, enabling you to create a scheduling application suited for any look and feel or data model.

Quick and Easy Localization

You can quickly localize (translate) each string at design-time in Visual Studio. Scheduler will create the localized resource files for you.

WPF Scheduler Key Features

Flexible Data Binding, Import and Export

Use standard ADO.NET data binding, custom object collections, or the built-in XML data source to easily save and load appointments, categories, contacts, labels, resources, and appointment statuses. Scheduler supports printing in several different templates. You can also save or load data in any supported formats: binary, XML, or iCalendar (iCal).

WPF Scheduler Views

WPF Scheduler Day View

Day View

Appointments are displayed hourly for a single day in a vertical layout.

WPF Scheduler Week View

Week Views

Appointments are displayed hourly for a weekly period. The work week can be customized to display two to seven days.

WPF Scheduler Month View

Month View

Appointments are displayed for one or more months. Appointments can visually span multiple days.

WPF Scheduler Timeline Grouping

Schedule Timeline View

Appointments are displayed hourly for a single day in a horizontal layout. This view is useful when trying to see multiple groups at once to schedule a meeting.

WinForms Schedule Table View

Table View

Appointments are displayed in a tabular format along with its subject, location, recurrence, start, end and category in different columns.

WinForms Schedule Agenda View

Agenda View

Appointments are grouped by date in a table to show upcoming events in compact form. All scheduler views can connect to a calendar for date range selection.

WPF Appointment Editing

Full-Featured Appointment Management

Users can easily add new appointments and edit existing ones by pressing the Enter key or double-clicking the time slot to launch the Appointment dialog box.

The Appointment data model supports:

  • All Day Events
  • Categories
  • Contacts
  • Content/Body
  • High/Low Importance
  • Labels
  • Location
  • Print Preview
  • Private
  • Resources
  • Start/End Time
  • Status
  • Subject
  • Recurrence
  • Reminders

WPF Appointment Editor

Scheduler provides users with many options for creating and editing appointments. Users can assign different categories, resources, and contacts to help organize appointments and add colorful labels, as well as mark appointments as high/low in importance, as private, or as an all-day event. Appointments can occur once or recur over a set amount of time, and reminders can be set so no appointment is missed. The appointment text can display HTML-encoded content.

Drag and Drop Support

Scheduler supports several different drag-and-drop scenarios. Users can move appointments around on the WPF schedule control surface, as well as between schedule and calendar controls to change dates. Drag appointment edges to edit appointment duration and span multiple days.

Calendar Resource Grouping

WPF Scheduler Multi-User Grouping

Group appointments by contacts, categories, or resources to create a multi-user calendar layout. Appointments can be reassigned by dragging them or editing through the dialog boxes. Customize the tabs to display images. The grouping feature is supported in all WPF scheduler views, not just day view.

Custom Scheduler Styles and Themes

WPF Scheduler Themes

Choose a quick, built-in Microsoft Office theme, or customize your own look and feel for your scheduler. Because of our ClearStyle technology, you can very easily customize the style and appearance by setting brush properties in Visual Studio. The WPF Scheduler and Calendar controls support several built-in themes, as well as 20+ professional themes included with ComponentOne WPF Edition.

Additional Features

Quick In-Line Editing

Appointment subjects can be quickly modified on the scheduler surface without having to open the Appointment dialog. This in-line editing improves the runtime usability.

Appointment Reminders

Users can choose to have a Reminder dialog box alert them at a specified time before the appointment occurs. Reminders can be dismissed or snoozed to appear again later.

Dialog Customization

Easily customize any dialog to match your requirements. We provide the complete source for the built-in dialogs so they can be modified.


Enable printing of the WPF Scheduler using ComponentOne PrintDocument. A complete sample is provided. Configure to print daily, weekly, monthly, or appointment details.

Import and Export Data

Save or load data in different formats, including XML, iCal (.ics), and binary. End-users can import and export data through the menu, or by dragging and dropping files onto the control.


Scheduler makes it very easy to localize your applications. At design time, you can simply type in translations for each string, and the localized resource files will be created for you.

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