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Edit and Manage Rich XHTML Content

Provide a rich-text editor in your .NET WinForms applications using ComponentOne Editor for WinForms.

  • The WinForms Editor uses XHTML to provide rich-formatted text
  • Built-in toolbar with 50+ commands save time developing a rich text editor
  • Now supported in .NET 6+ (Beta)
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Why Choose Editor for WinForms?

Manage Rich Database Content

Store rich formatted text in your database as XHTML and use the Editor control to manage it in applications.

Intuitive WinForms Rich Text Editor

Replace any text box with this intuitive editor and edit your XHTML content in this friendly, Microsoft Word processor-like interface.

"On the Fly" Document Binding

Bind the Editor control to a document, and the underlying Xml document syncs to match it when any changes are made at runtime.

WinForms Rich Text Editor Key Features

Format Rich Text Using Toolstrips

Easily set font, text decorations, and block formatting settings to a text block in the document without writing any code. The WinForms rich text editor automatically builds the markup for these operations and modifies the underlying XML document. End-users can set text properties in a built-in text formatting dialog.

Insert and Manipulate Pictures and Tables

Insert and manipulate various types of objects in the document, including tables, images, hyperlinks, and multimedia Flash files. The dialog boxes allow you to modify all properties of the inserted or edited objects. With mouse actions, move and resize objects directly on the document in Design mode.

XHTML Clean-up Routines

The WinForms XHTML Editor can automatically remove empty tags, close unclosed tags, and otherwise improve messy or unreadable HTML markup. Cleanup routines occur on document loading, switching off Source mode, or on executing the ValidateSource or FixSource methods.

Spell-check Documents

The WinForms Editor comes with ComponentOne SpellChecker built-in so you can use all of its spell-checking features — like dialog mode, "as-you-type" mode, context menu spelling suggestions, and the auto-replace feature.

Additional Features

Flexible Data Binding

Bind to your external data source with ease. The display text and underlying XML are both bindable, so you can easily bind either the unformatted text or the full HTML markup to your data source.

Load and Save Documents

Load XHTML documents into the WinForms Editor control from a file, stream, or XML string. Likewise, you can save documents into a file or stream.

Synchronize XMLDocuments

When the bound document is edited within the Editor, the underlying XML document syncs to match it. All changes to the XML document are visible in the Editor control at run time.

Custom CSS Styles

The WinForms Editor fully supports CSS in edited documents. You can define external CSS styles, which will be used only in Design or Preview mode. Load the CSS from a file or stream.

Add Custom Tags in DTD

Advanced programming tasks sometimes require the use of additional DTD elements in the edited document. You can add the tags in the document by specifying them in the XML Extensions property.

Find/Replace Dialog Box

Editor has a built-in dialog box that allows end-users to specify a string to search for as well as options to replace the word. You can also use your own find/replace dialog box.

Unlimited History of Changes

Editor has an unlimited undo history mechanism. Undo and Redo also support keyboard shortcuts. By undoing repeatedly, end users can gradually work back to fix a mistake. You can programmatically access the editing history.

Clipboard Support

You can use cut, copy and paste clipboard actions to select text, tables, or graphics. You can also paste outside HTML into the WinForms text editor as rich or plain text.

Preview and Print

The WinForms Editor control supports printing and print preview. Use the Preview mode to view the document. Print directly from code, or from the print preview dialog launched from the built-in toolbar.

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