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Industry’s Best WinForms Datagrid Control

Power all your Windows desktop applications with FlexGrid, a fast, flexible and fully-featured WinForms datagrid control.

  • Edit, visualize and analyze tabular data quickly with fast loading of large data sets
  • Customize the datagrid with flexible cell styling, filter menus, expanded row details and more
  • Group, aggregate, and sort data all in one easy-to-use control with built-in features


A WinForms datagrid is a user interface control for displaying, editing, and analyzing large data sets. FlexGrid is a WinForms datagrid optimized for high-performance and flexibility, enabling .NET developers to customize every aspect of the control.


Why Choose FlexGrid for WinForms?

Familiar, Excel-Like Experience

FlexGrid delivers features similar to Microsoft Excel, such as keyboard navigation and editing, so your datagrids will be intuitive for your end-users.

Write Less Code with Rich Designers

With easy-to-use Visual Studio designers, you can configure data binding, column layout, styles and additional features without writing a single line of code.

Flexible, Extensible API

Most WinForms datagrids will get you 70% of the way there, but FlexGrid's superior flexibility helps developers achieve 100% of their requirements.

Great for Working With Large Data Sets

FlexGrid is designed to aid large data sets with features like grouping, aggregation, and on-demand loading with virtual mode.

10x Faster and Small Footprint

FlexGrid is up to 10x faster at loading and scrolling than other WinForms datagrids. Plus its modularized assemblies won't bloat your app with unwanted features.

More than Just a Datagrid

FlexGrid can be used as a tree grid with hierarchical views, nested grids and subtotals. Plus, FlexGrid has been extended to support pivot tables and Gantt views.

WinForms Datagrid Key Features

Data Bound or Unbound

Get started quickly with automatic data binding to .NET data source objects or custom business objects. FlexGrid also supports an unbound mode, giving you complete control over creating each row, column, and cell value.


Custom Cells

Conditional Formatting

Apply conditional formatting to highlight values that meet any criteria. FlexGrid provides a robust cell formatting API.


Custom Cells

One of the main strengths of FlexGrid is the ability to customize every aspect of the appearance of the entire grid and individual cells. Easily embed sparklines, images, ratings, or take complete control over the graphical drawing.


Cell Editors

FlexGrid provides several built-in editors to enable efficient in-cell editing for numbers, dates, checkboxes, and data-mapped combo-boxes. Or use any control to provide a custom editor.


Virtual Mode

Improve performance and reduce load times for very large data sets with on-demand loading, where data is only retrieved as the user scrolls. This feature is also known as "just-in-time data loading" and is supported in FlexGrid through the DataCollection component.


Data Filtering

Excel-like Filtering

Enable filtering on any column's data by condition or value checklist. FlexGrid supports drop-down filters in the column headers like Microsoft Excel with special filter editors for different data types.



FlexGrid allows you to perform full-text filtering, or searches, on your data to show all matching instances found in the datagrid. Search the entire grid or just a specific column and then highlight all matching occurrences.


Column Features

Freezing and Pinning

FlexGrid offers Excel-like row and column freezing and pinning. This allows users to keep rows and columns in view as they navigate the content of the WinForms datagrid. Pinning allows any column to be frozen.


Column Footers

Customize FlexGrid to display non-scrollable rows below the grid data containing summary information such as subtotals. Footers are great for showing totals and averages.

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Column Bands

FlexGrid allows you to organize columns into logical groups, known as bands. Column bands make it easier to represent many columns in the WinForms datagrid because groups can be collapsed.

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Hierarchical Datagrid

Grouping and Subtotals

Enable runtime data grouping to help analyze large data sets. Display grouped data with a customizable group header and aggregated (total) values. Optionally, display grouping buttons or a grouping panel.


Detail Row

Drill into a row of data to show more details inside a collapsible panel. You can display an input form, a child data grid, or anything else within the detail row. Bind one WinForms datagrid to another using FlexGrid and create a master-detail scenario.



FlexGrid is so flexible that it can be used as a super-advanced treetiew, or "TreeGrid". Add hierarchical grouping to display data in a tree-like structure, complete with summaries, multiple columns, sorting, editing, and everything else you expect from a rich WinForms datagrid.


Additional Features

Multi-Column Sorting

FlexGrid supports sorting, ascending, and descending, by clicking on the column headers. It also supports sorting by multiple columns.


Cell Merging

Content-driven cell merging allows you to merge matching adjacent cells across columns and down rows. Merge header cells, create custom cell merging rules, and set restrictions on how FlexGrid merges cells.



Handle Arabic, Hebrew, and other right-to-left languages with the globalized FlexGrid. Easily configure the language that FlexGrid uses to display its data and format how it displays dates and numbers.


Add New Row

Add a new row to the database with a tap or click. Adding a blank row to the datagrid allows users to add more rows of data.

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Validate data entry with built-in formatting and error detection, or use unobtrusive validation as the user types. Plus, display meaningful meta data tags on cells with data annotations.


Highlight and Selection

Get Excel-like cell selection across rows and columns. Configure the hover style highlighting and selection modes by cell, row, column or multi-range.



Get automatic clipboard support so users can move data between applications. You can configure which columns are included in code.


Persistent State

Preserve the column layout and sort settings between runs of the application by saving its state. FlexGrid supports XML serialization to save the datagrid state for your users.

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Export to Excel and Print

You can use FlexGrid to both import and export XLSX files. Choose how to preserve formatting. You can also export or print only selected data. Print the grid directly using basic and advanced print settings.


WinForms Datagrid Demos

Desktop Demo Explorer

All of our WinForms demos are included in a single downloadable desktop explorer. Explore every feature and showcase demos using the Control Explorer demo. Plus, see the WinForms datagrid in action using the FlexGrid showcase demo.


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