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Multi-Month Calendar Component for Blazor

Add a calendar to your web apps with customizable styles and navigation elements. ComponentOne Calendar for Blazor is natively implemented and supports Blazer Server and WebAssembly apps.

  • Select a date with a single click
  • Display a single month or multiple months horizontally or vertically
  • Bind the control to date values and selection events
  • Customize the day slot templates with HTML content.
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Why Choose Calendar for Blazor?

More than a Date Selector

With customizable styles, HTML templates, and data-binding, you can use the Blazor calendar to deliver a lightweight interactive scheduler.

Provide Quick Date Selection

With decade and year views, end-users can quickly jump to a date from any decade. Perfect for verifying the users birthdate.

Deliver Modern Web Applications

The Blazor calendar control supports a sleek, fluent style with smooth animation and gesture-based navigation for the most modern web applications.

Blazor Calendar Key Features

Select a Date Across Multiple Months

Display multiple, adjacent months in a single calendar view with ComponentOne Calendar. Arrange the months horizontally or vertically with a single setting.

Navigate Between Month and Year Views

Quickly pick dates with built-in support for month and year views and switch among these views to promptly navigate to any date.


Customize the Display and Icons

Choose whether to show the navigation buttons, adjacent days, and header. Set the first day of the week depending on your local culture. Customize the expand, collapse, today, next and previous icons. Change the default, disabled, selected and adjacent day styles.

Display Custom Content within the Calendar

Our Blazor calendar component supports customization of the day slots. Use HTML to create a template for each type of date slot. Make the Blazor calendar more interactive or display events & appointment data.

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