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ASP.NET MVC Multi-Row Datagrid Control

Reduce scrolling in wide grids and spreadsheets with ComponentOne MultiRow, a cutting-edge control that allows you to wrap columns into a single view. MultiRow includes all the features of FlexGrid with the added benefit of a more compact view.

MultiRow Datagrid is included with ComponentOne Studio Enterprise.

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Why Choose MultiRow Datagrid for ASP.NET MVC?

Eliminate Horizontal Scrolling

A multi-row datagrid is useful for creating compact grid views with only vertical scrolling. Ideal for mobile web displays.

Better Organize Columns

A multi-row datagrid is better than a regular datagrid at organizing related columns into hierarchical groups.

Extends FlexGrid

The ASP.NET MVC MultiRow datagrid includes all the features of FlexGrid, the industry’s best and most flexible .NET datagrid.

ASP.NET MVC MultiRow Datagrid Key Features

Customizable Row Layout

Easily customize the the layout of the cells in the multi-row grid. You can define each cell group and how many columns it should span. When generating the layout, the ASP.NET MVC multi-row datagrid fits as many cells as possible in each row, and wraps to the next row when the group span is reached. The last cell in each row is automatically expanded to fill the span. The process is similar to wrapping of text to create a paragraph.

Collapsible Column Headers

The ASP.NET MVC MultiRow control allows users to collapse and expand column headers. When collapsed, the column headers display a single line, showing only the group names rather than individual cells. This saves space and creates a more compact data view.

Multi-Row Grouping with Aggregates

MultiRow supports dynamic grouping by code, or through end-user interaction by dragging column headers into the grouping panel. The multi-row features extend to the grouped rows so that you can display multiple rows of aggregated values.

Transposed Multi-Row View

MultiRow for ASP.NET MVC supports a transposed view, which is another way to show tabular data and is especially useful when there are few data items. The transposed multi-row swaps rows and columns, and thus displays the records horizontally instead of vertically like in a traditional grid.

Additional Multi-Row Datagrid Features

The ASP.NET MVC MultiRow Datagrid extends ComponentOne FlexGrid for ASP.NET MVC, a full-featured grid providing providing various features including cell selection, sorting, filtering, row and column freezing, custom cells, data mapping and more.


MultiRow supports sorting, ascending, and descending, by clicking on the column headers.


Enable filtering to filter on any column's data, by condition or value. MultiRow supports drop-down filters in the column headers, like Microsoft Excel, and exclusive value search that allows you to exclude items from the filter.

Row & Column Freezing

The MVC MultiRow offers Excel-like row and column freezing. This allows users to keep rows and columns in view as they navigate the content of the datagrid.


Through paging, you can customize the number of items that should be displayed per page and provide a UI for navigating the pages in the ASP.NET MVC multi-row datagrid.

Custom Cells

Fully customize the ASP.MVC multi-row datagrid cells to apply conditional formatting or visualize the data differently. This is supported through FlexGrid using the item-formatter event or cell templates.

Custom Editors

MultiRow provides several built-in editors to enable efficient in-cell editing for numbers, dates, checkboxes, and data-mapped combo-boxes. Or use any control to provide a custom editor.


The MVC MultiRow supports unobtrusive validation for common scenarios such as required fields, numbers, and properly formatted values like email addresses.

Virtual Scrolling

For very large data sets, you can enable virtual scrolling where data is loaded by demand. You can also enable sorting, paging and filtering to be done server side.

Export to Excel & PDF

Export the MVC datagrid to Excel (XLSX) or PDF. The saved files will include most formatting information including row and column dimensions, fonts, colors, formats, and cell alignment.

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